Sports || Narsimha Reddy Engineering College(NRCM) || Best UGC Autonomous Engineering College, Hyderabad


About the Department 
Sports play an important role in the physical development of the Students. Specially trained coaches render systematic training in Athletics, Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Cricket etc. 

The sportsmen of NRCM represent the college at the District, Zonal, and State level competitions bringing laurels to themselves and to the college. NRCM has its credit with number of spacious and well maintained fields and courts for the above mentioned discipline.

1 Table - Tennis 3 Tables
2 Badminton Courts 1 Practice Badminton Court
3 Gymnasium Separate Gymnasium for Men & Women
3 Chess Set of Chess Boards 
1 Basketball Ground 1 Standard Court
2 Volleyball Ground 2 Courts
3 Cricket 2 Turf Pitches & 1 Cement Pitch for Net Practice
3 Football 1 @ Five a side Football Ground

Student participation at Intramural / Extramural activates

Year  Intercollegiate  Inter branch sports cup & annual sports week Invitational tournaments  1/2/3 position intercollegiate events 
2013-2014 66 90 55 3 GAMES
2012-2013 47 73 31 2 GAMES
2011-2012 37 45 28 3 GAMES
2010-2011 48 36 29 2 GAMES


Initiative shown by the students, augmented by constant encouragement provided by the faculty has resulted in a number of student activities. Students are participating in Blood Donation, AIDS Awareness, Tree Plantation, Swachh Bharat etc. 

All the departments have their own Association which are constantly striving hard to imbibe recent trends and technologies by arranging various seminars and lectures by well qualified and recognised personalities. There are various inter department competitions conducted giving chance to one and all.

Various inter college sports tournaments are conducted by the college sports council. The students also take part in various inter collegiate and varsity sports meet.