H&S Dept || Narsimha Reddy Engineering College(NRCM) || Best UGC Autonomous Engineering College, Hyderabad

Freshman Engineering

About Freshman Engineering

Students who enroll into the engineering programme are like raw materials that are to be polished and molded to suit the needs of the technology worldwide. This is exactly where the Department of Humanities and Sciences steps in. The Department is a conglomeration of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Environmental studies and English. Under the spirited guidance of the HOD, the faculty members nurture the students in the first year of their engineering life and prepare them for their future. The Department is home to twenty five highly qualified, experienced, energetic and committed faculty members who constantly thrive to monitor and motivate the students towards academic excellence.

The department is well equipped with labs to support the theory – namely, Engineering Physics lab, Engineering Chemistry lab, ELCS lab, where the students are exposed to the practical usage of the technology. Apart from the rigorous training given in first year B.Tech programme, the English faculty impart soft skills training for second year through fourth year B.Tech students for enhancing their employability.

The well ventilated and furnished classrooms are equipped with LCD projectors. Most of the lectures are delivered through power point presentations.