ME Dept || Narsimha Reddy Engineering College(NRCM) || Best UGC Autonomous Engineering College, Hyderabad


About Machanical Engineering 

Department of Mechanical Engineering was started in 2009 to impart mechanical skills of highest quality to the blooming engineers. The department undertakes a powerful multi-step teaching process that threads together the latent expertise and the talents of the students and weaves out the finest mechanical engineers. The strength of the department lies in its highly qualified and expert faculty besides its excellent non-teaching staff. To complement this is the presence of the diligent students who epitomize enthusiasm and devotion. Thus, it has been firm resolve to keep up with the modern day trends and in the process produce erudite and conscientious engineers. The department offers both undergraduate and post graduate courses.

Bachelor of Engineering degree:
The undergraduate course aims at providing the fecund brains with rudimentary knowledge. Instructions are imparted in the areas of energy conversion, refrigeration, design of mechanical components and systems, production engineering, management techniques, computer programming, numerical analysis and Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM). Design and fabrication projects are also undertaken as part of the curriculum.

Master of Technology (M.Tech in Thermal Engineering):
The department also offers M Tech. degree in thermal engineering with an intake of 18 students every year. The program is aimed at translating theoretical knowledge to practical applications and developing strong linkage with research institutions and industrial R & D units. Under the guidance of able faculty and facilities the department endeavors to realize the potential of tomorrows design engineers.

Department In charge  - Click here for details