Paper Submission
Researchers are encouraged to submit a paper that addresses scientific questions, details,engineering research observations or contains primary scientific data. All papers are peer-reviewed by the Conference Editorial Committee and will be considered for oral or poster presentation.
All accepted papers are published in the conference proceedings, and an online supplement of the Springer Journal indexed in SCOPUS.
At least one author for every accepted paper is required to be registered for the conferencefor that paper to appear in the proceedings and be scheduled for presentation. Paper format can be downloaded from the conference website
- Only Registered delegates can attend the Conference.
- The abstract should not exceed 400 words and have a maximum of five keywords.
- You are requested to submit full paper of 4-6 pages (6 pages will be in registration fee and additional pages will be charged) for oral presentation. Only original, unpublished research work, not currently under review for any other conference/journal, should be sent.
- The papers should be submitted in the standard format in word .doc or .pdf format only.
- The authors are requested not to prefix their credentials i.e.Dr., Prof. etc. in authors name. Download template for manuscript submission template.pdf or template.docm
- Selected papers will be notified by email.The author(s) should clearly mention under what track of the conference the abstract is to be included.