Track -2 (EC-EE): Electronics & Communication Engineering And Electrical & Electronics Engineering
EC-EE 2.1 Satellite, Space and Wireless Communication
EC-EE 2.2 VLSI Design
EC-EE 2.3 Antennas and Propagation
EC-EE 2.4 Optical Communication and Photonics
EC-EE 2.5 Instrumentation and Control Systems
EC-EE 2.6 RF and Microwave Devices
EC-EE 2.7 Image and Signal Processing
EC-EE 2.8 Spectrum Efficient Management, Sensing and Cognitive Radio
EC-EE 2.9 Control of Power Electronics
EC-EE 3.0 Energy Harvest and Storage
EC-EE 3.1 Multilevel Inverters
EC-EE 3.2 Power Electronics Converter and Design Issues
EC-EE 3.3 Renewable Energy Systems
EC-EE 3.4 Smart Grid
EC-EE 3.5 Communication Systems Engineering
EC-EE 3.6 Electric & Hybrid Electric Vehicles
EC-EE 3.7 Electrical Machines Design and Drives