Institution Industry Cell

About IIC:

Institution-Industry Cell committee is constituted with the following members for the academic year 2023-2024. The convenor and the members are hereby informed to take necessary measures to fulfil the primary function and responsibilities as specified.

Functions and Responsibilities:

  • To give industrial exposure to Faculty members and students, thus enabling them to tune their knowledge to cope with the industrial culture.
  • To assist the Departments in organizing workshops, conferences, and symposia with joint participation of the industries
  • Encouraging Engineers from industries to visit institutions to deliver lectures.
  • Participation of experts from industries, in curriculum development.
  • To organize industrial visits for Faculty members and students.
  • To encourage Faculty members to use their expertise in solving the problems faced by the industries, thus creating opportunities for consultancy.
  • Industrial testing by Faculty and technician at site, or in laboratory.
  • To organize in-plant training for the students.
  • To identify the areas for executive development programmes in the areas of recent technological advances.
  • To assist the Departments in establishing rapport with industries for taking up mini projects and projects.
  • To coordinate/ identify industrial partners for proposing ‘Centre for Excellence’.
  • To strengthen Alumni relations

Institution Industry Cell Committee

S. No Name of the Member Designation Position
1 Dr.Shoban Mude Director – IR Convener
2 Mr.Y Bhimappa Assistant Professor Member
3 Mr. Ramala Ashok Assistant Professor Member
4 Dr.P Dileep Kumar Reddy Professor Member
5 Mrs.Boddi Reddy Srujana Assistant Professor Member
6 Mr.Raghu Vardhan M Assistant Professor Member
7 Mrs.Madhavi Durga Bhavani Kode Assistant Professor Member