Stakeholders' Feedback Form

Stakeholders' Feedback on Curriculum

The Institute invites suggestions from its stakeholders such as students, teachers, alumni, employers and parents etc. about their expectations from the curriculum. The inputs are obtained from the stake holders regularly and further used for enriching the curriculum that helps to improvise the overall competency of the students for employability/ entreupuenr / Higher studies.

Based on all these decisions the Head of the Department/faculty members suggest the changes as corrective measures to the Board of Studies by email or personally during the meetings conducted for the syllabus revision by the respective Board of Studies (BoS).

feedback on Curriculum

We are interested to hear about your feedback and get valuable suggestions to make our Programme better.

Alumni Feedback
Teachers' Feedback
Student Feedback
Employer Feedback

Parent Feedback

Please indicate your level of satisfaction:

Strongly Agree - 5, Agree - 4, Neutral - 3, Disagree - 2, Strongly Disagree - 1

Sr. No. Particulars Indicators
1 The learning experience gained by my ward through curriculum of the course is
2 The competency of the curriculum is
3 The relevance of curriculum to the program or discipline is
4 The inclusion of recent changes in technology in the curriculum is
5 Satisfaction level of curriculum as per the requirement of employability/higher studies is

Alumni Feedback

Please indicate (tick) your level of satisfaction:

Strongly Agree - 5, Agree - 4, Neutral - 3, Disagree - 2, Strongly Disagree - 1

Sr. No. Particulars Indicators
1 Curriculum meets prerequisite and basic knowledge required for the job.
2 Learning experience is useful for employment.
3 Electives offered are in relation to the technological advancements in industries.
4 The new courses (subjects) introduced as per the current industry requirements.
5 Design of the courses (subjects) encourages self-learning.

Teachers' Feedback

Please indicate (tick) your level of satisfaction:

Strongly Agree - 5, Agree - 4, Neutral - 3, Disagree - 2, Strongly Disagree - 1

Sr. No. Particulars Indicators
1 The learning objectives are clear and appropriate to the program.
2 The syllabus is well organized and suitable to the program.
3 The Text Books/Reference Books are well suited to the course.
4 The system followed by the university for the design and development of curriculum is effective.

Student Feedback on Course Curriculum

Please indicate (tick) your level of satisfaction:

Strongly Agree - 5, Agree - 4, Neutral - 3, Disagree - 2, Strongly Disagree - 1

Sr. No. Particulars Indicators
1 The continuity of the contents in the course curriculum is appropriate.
2 The depth of the curriculum content is appropriate.
3 The syllabus is industry-oriented.
4 The objectives and outcomes are clearly stated for each course.
5 The curriculum has a good balance between theory and practical work.
6 The electives offered are relevant to the latest technology.
7 The curriculum structure and contents help to enhance employability skills.
8 The curriculum bridges the gap between industry and academia.
9 The curriculum contents are helpful for the development of professional ethics, lifelong learning skills, team building, leadership qualities, and environmental awareness.

Employer Feedback on Course Curriculum

Please indicate (tick) your level of satisfaction:

Strongly Agree - 5, Agree - 4, Neutral - 3, Disagree - 2, Strongly Disagree - 1

Sr. No. Particulars Indicators
1 The current curriculum caters to the needs of the industry.
2 The curriculum structure and contents help to enhance employability skills.
3 The curriculum has a good balance of theory and practical work.
4 The curriculum bridges the gap between industry and academia.
5 The curriculum contents are helpful for the development of professional ethics, lifelong learning skills, team building, leadership qualities, and environmental awareness.

Links for Syllabus/Curriculum:

Name of Department Link for Syllabus/Curriculum
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security)
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Curriculum Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report

Particulars Report
Curriculum Feedback Analysis and Action Taken Report 2023-24 View Report